世界经济论坛前总经理:中国对未来充满自信 为世界提供发展思路丨世界观
世界经济论坛前总经理克劳德·萨马加(Claude Smadja)近日接受中新网独家专访时表示,中国在国际社会上提供重要的领导力,可向世界提供两大思路:其一,有正确的领导和对未来的清晰愿景,一个国家就可以获得巨大的成就;其二,一个对自己的未来以及全球经济引领作用充满自信的国家,发展过程中会考虑到其他国家的关切。走向海外的中国企业正不断证明,它们能切实为所在国家作出经济贡献。(陈天浩)
In an exclusive interview with China News Network, Claude Smadja, Former Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, shared his observation over China’s development and summarized two key lessons that China can offer to the world are: leadership and a clear vision about the future helps a country achieve tremendous results, and a country confident about its future and its role has to take into account the concerns of other countries. Chinese companies show that they are really contributing to the business and economic life of the country they operated in.
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