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2019-08-17 20:26:00 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走

  8月17日上线微博请加话题: # 港澳台追梦人 ## 寻梦赤子心 # 境外账号请加标签:中文标签是 # 寻梦赤子心,英文标签是 #TheDreamSeekers 简体标题:来自港澳台的追梦人:到最有机会的地方去!简体摘要:他们是来自港澳台的青年,为了梦想,来到内地(大陆)打拼学业、事业和生活。他们认为:亲身体验,大胆尝试,抓住机会,开拓进取,才能给国家、给自己一个充满希望的未来。繁體標題:來自港澳台的追夢人:到最有機會的地方去!繁體摘要:他們是來自港澳台的青年,為了夢想,來到內地(大陸)打拼學業、事業和生活。他們認為:親身體驗,大膽嘗試,抓住機會,開拓進取,才能給國家、給自己一個充滿希望的未來。英文标题: Dream seekers from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: go to the most promising place! 英文摘要: They are the youth from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have come to China’s mainland to fight for their dreams, study, career and life. They believe that only by getting firsthand experience, making bold trials, seizing the opportunity and forging ahead can they bring the country and themselves a promising future.
